Nick Ferreira
Before joining the Bar, Nick read for the B.Phil and D.Phil degrees in philosophy at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes scholar. He then worked as law clerk to Justice Edwin Cameron at the Constitutional Court.
Nick’s practice centres on public law litigation with particular emphasis on administrative and constitutional law. He also practices in commercial law, media law, and mining and environmental law.
Nick has appeared in all divisions of the High Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, the Competition Appeal Court and the Constitutional Court as well as in the High Courts of Botswana and Lesotho.
List of notable judgments:
Nick appeared in the following notable reported matters:
AllPay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and others (Corruption Watch and another as amici curiae) 2014 (1) BCLR 1 (CC)
AllPay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and others (Corruption Watch and another as amici curiae) (No 2) 2014 (6) BCLR 641 (CC)
Loureiro and others v iMvula Quality Protection (Pty) Ltd 2014 (3) SA 394 (CC); 2014 (5) BCLR 511 (CC)
Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children and another v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and another (Justice Alliance of South Africa and others as amici curiae) 2013 (12) BCLR 1429 (CC)
Multichoice (Pty) Ltd and others v National Prosecuting Authority and another; In re: S v Pistorius and another related matter [2014] 2 All SA 446 (GP)
Nkala and Others v Harmony Gold Mining Co Ltd and Others 2016 (5) SA 240 (GJ)
Advertising Regulatory Board NPC and Others v Bliss Brands (Pty) Ltd 2022 (4) SA 57 (SCA)
Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others (2022 (6) SA 589 (ECMk), 3491/2021) [2022] 4 All SA 533 ECG (Pty) Limited v Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies and others and a related matter 2022 (9) BCLR 1055 (CC)
Contact Information:
Telephone: 011 290-4000
Mobile: 076 391-3228